
Hi and welcome to my Portfolio!


● 4+ years of Java development experience.
● 4+ years creating Minecraft mods with Forge and Fabric!
● 160+ million downloads across all my open source mods!
● 1.5+ years leading the development of UGC content for big content creators including MrBeast Gaming and SocksFor1!
● 5.5+ million total views for 2 released videos.

Top Skills

● Java● Game Development● Game Design
● Game Testing● User Generated Content (UGC)● Production Lead
● Youtube Video Content Creation● Technical Support● Visual Effects

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Full-Time, Salaried, and Contract offers only

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Other enquiries please click here or email: corgitaco@corgitaco.dev.

Work Experience

Minecraft Mod Developer

Dec 2019 - Present

● Create and design widely-used open source Minecraft mods, enjoyed by millions of players worldwide (160+million downloads with an average of over 250k daily downloads).● Utilize various modding frameworks and libraries including Google GSON, FastNoise, FastUtils, and SpongePowered Mixin (ASM framework).● Work and collaborate on numerous teams to bring ideas and concepts to life in Minecraft.● Address user issues and feedback in a timely manner.

Skills: User Generated Content · Technical Support · Game Development · Game Design · Java

Java Game Developer


Jul 2023 - Nov 2023

● Create tailored Minecraft mods for videos using Fabric Mod Loader, Fabric API, GeckoLib, and my own
library "CorgiLib" for exciting events involving 100+ players, intensifying engagement for participants, viewers, and content creators.
● Conducted thorough gameplay testing to resolve potential issues ahead of video recording, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted user experience and recording session. Utilizing JUnit Tests to validate and optimize intricate handcrafted systems.● Leveraged Minecraft's shader and OpenGL pipeline to craft compelling visuals while working closely with a team of artists, modelers, and animators to integrate block, entity, and item models/animations using the Geckolib library, to bring ideas to life.● Developed intuitive in-game variable control commands and Imgui panels for streamlined adjustment of gameplay variables, enhancing user experience and facilitating efficient game testing, and recording sessions.

Skills: YouTube Video Creation · User Generated Content · Game Development · Game Design · Game Tester · Java

Java Game Developer & Production Lead

MrBeast Gaming

Jun 2022 - May 2023

● Led the development and production of videos for MrBeast Gaming, while working with a team to meet tight deadlines and deliver high-quality content backed by the Fabric Java Minecraft Modding Framework.● Created multiple Java-backed tools to optimize productivity and the delivery of information to users.● Led and actively participated in hundreds of testing events involving hundreds of players, ensuring the quality and performance of videos before recording deadlines.● Implemented website concept designs using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Created a Java back-end powered by the Javalin Web API and incorporated PostgreSQL databases for efficient data storage.

Skills: YouTube Video Creation · User Generated Content · Game Development · Production Lead · Game Design · Game Tester · Java

Personal Projects

Oh The Biomes You'll Go

Jan 2020 - Present

Oh The Biomes You'll Go is an exploration and adventure minecraft mod with over 80 breathtaking biomes.

● Responsible for the key programming and collaborating with team members by implementing custom world generation, blocks, items, and other gameplay aspects to ensure the mod integrates seamlessly into the Minecraft game and that it achieves the creative goal.

Skills: User Generated Content · Project Management · World Generation · Level Design · Game Design · Game Tester · Java

Enhanced Celestials

Jan 2021 - Present

Enhanced Celestials is a mod that adds various lunar events such as Blood moons and Harvest moons!

● Designed and developed lunar events with various gameplay features including: custom lighting, blood moons with enhanced monster spawn rates, harvest moons with multiplied crop harvests, blue moons with boosted loot. Users may also design their own lunar events using data packs and share their creations!

Skills: User Generated Content · Game Development · Game Design · Java · GitHub

Better Weather

Aug 2020 - Aug 2021

Bringing real world weather to Minecraft!

● Creates various real world weather events and adds them into Minecraft. Events come with immersive visuals and gameplay elements. Elements include: blizzards with rapidly piling up snow, wind, and freezing damage and acid rain with green rain and damage to vegetation which create an immersive experience that changes user worlds and interaction!

Skills: User Generated Content · Game Development · Game Design · Java


Aug 2020 - May 2021

Minecraft mod that adds various rocky, igneous, and metamorphic real world stones to Minecraft!

● Replaces the Minecraft stone beneath the surface with various rocks placed with specially designed strata generators that utilize equations and gradient noises.

Skills: User Generated Content · World Generation · Level Design · Game Development · Java · GitHub


Dec 2020

Adds revamped rivers to Minecraft!

● Uses “Simplex Ridged Noise” from the open source “FastNoise” library to define the pathing of new “endless” rivers atop Minecraft’s pre-1.18 biome layering system.

Skills: User Generated Content · World Generation · Level Design · Game Development · Java · GitHub

Work Projects

Natural Disasters

MrBeast Gaming

Jul 2022 - Jan 2023

Bringing real world disasters to Minecraft!

● Created various disaster events such as volcano eruptions, avalanches, and a sun explosion with stunning visuals. Designed and implemented engaging features such as meteors, a rocket ship, monsters in space suits, low gravity, space doors, avalanches, laser cannons, wind cannons, and more!

Skills: User Generated Content · Project lead · Game Testing · Game Development · Game Design · Java

Attack On Titan


Jul 2023 - Nov 2023

Adds content from the Attack On Titan TV show into Minecraft.

● Designed and implemented a comprehensive game event system to structure videos, while also implementing innovative gameplay elements such as Attack On Titan's ODM Gear, Rocket Spears, and an optimized alternative to Minecraft mob AI utilizing a world position node octree system used by Titans, allowing for a 100+ player video to run smoothly.

Skills: User Generated Content · Game Development · Game Design · Game Tester · Java